Alchemical Reaction Demo 2

Hello, Alchemists!

It's been quite some time. As some of you may remember, we released our first demo for Alchemical Reaction almost 2 years ago! How time flies. In that time, a lot of things happened that halted development; I think a lot of newbie game devs have to have the realization that game development is tricky, and we sure did.

Although our original plan was to carry on with the original demo, a few months after release, the computer containing the entire demo was lost in a fire. An important lesson in backing files up, we suppose - but we at Team Cerberus felt this was a good time to re-examine our project and try to make a better demo.

We heard your feedback; your player character's gender presentation and pronouns can now be decided separately, we've altered a lot of dialogue to be more inclusive, we've lessened the amount of swearing, and we've completely overhauled the art. The menus are a bit messy, and it may still not be perfect, but we hope you enjoy the update.

We are extremely grateful for all the support in that time, and hopefully when we next have an update for you, it'll be news about character route completion.

Files 334 MB
Jun 06, 2024 368 MB
Jun 06, 2024 351 MB
Jun 06, 2024

Get Alchemical Reaction (Remade Demo)


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Congrats on releasing the new demo!! The new art looks great, and so does the new protagonist option 💖 can't wait to see more!